yks. mon.
nom. tuppo tupot
gen. tupon tuppoin
par. tuppoa tuppoja
ine. tupossa tupoissa
ill. tuppoon tuppoihin
ela. tuposta tupoista
ade. tupolla tupoilla
abe. tupotta tupoitta
all. tupolle tupoille
abl. tupolta tupoilta
ess. tuppona tuppoina
tra. tupoksi tupoiksi
ins. tupoin
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tuppo (subst.)

yks. mon.
nom. tuppo tupot
gen. tupon tuppoin
par. tuppoa tuppoja
ine. tupossa tupoissa
ill. tuppoon tuppoihin
ela. tuposta tupoista
ade. tupolla tupoilla
abe. tupotta tupoitta
all. tupolle tupoille
abl. tupolta tupoilta
ess. tuppona tuppoina
tra. tupoksi tupoiksi
ins. tupoin
Full paradigm →
tuppo Word history → (No corpus available)
  • tuppo subst. yks. nom.
  • Tuppo subst. erisnimi yks. nom.
  • Tuppo subst. erisnimi Sem/Geo yks. nom.

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tuppo Word history → (No corpus available)
  • tuppo subst. yks. nom.
  • Tuppo subst. erisnimi yks. nom.
  • Tuppo subst. erisnimi Sem/Geo yks. nom.