prs. (täʹbbe) prt. (jåhtta)
Sg1 (mon) lẹvvjam lẹvvjem
Sg2 (ton) lẹvvjak lẹvvjiǩ
Sg3 (son) lẹvvai lẹvvji
Pl1 (mij) lẹvvjep lẹvvjim
Pl2 (tij) lẹvvjeʹped lẹvvjid
Pl3 (sij) lẹvvje lẹvvje
Sg4 lẹvvjet lẹvvješ
prs. kielt.
(täʹbbe jiõm) livvu
prt. kielt.
(jåhtta jiõm) lẹvvjam
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levvjed (verb)

  • väsyä, uupua
    Mâʹnne mâʹnne de tääʹlv õnnum puõccu liâ, måtam levvje.
    Menevät menevät ja poroja on käytetty talven, jotkut väsyvät.
prs. (täʹbbe) prt. (jåhtta)
Sg1 (mon) lẹvvjam lẹvvjem
Sg2 (ton) lẹvvjak lẹvvjiǩ
Sg3 (son) lẹvvai lẹvvji
Pl1 (mij) lẹvvjep lẹvvjim
Pl2 (tij) lẹvvjeʹped lẹvvjid
Pl3 (sij) lẹvvje lẹvvje
Sg4 lẹvvjet lẹvvješ
prs. kielt.
(täʹbbe jiõm) livvu
prt. kielt.
(jåhtta jiõm) lẹvvjam
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levvjed Word history → Texts →
  • levvjed verb IV Inf

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levvjed Word history → Texts →
  • levvjed verb IV Inf