prs. (täʹbbe) prt. (jåhtta)
Sg1 (mon) tiârˈrlââttam tiârˈrlõʹttem
Sg2 (ton) tiârˈrlââttak tiârˈrlõʹttiǩ
Sg3 (son) tiârˈrlâtt tiârˈrlõõʹtti
Pl1 (mij) tiârˈrlâʹttep tiârˈrlõõʹttim
Pl2 (tij) tiârˈrlâʹttveʹted tiârˈrlõõʹttid
Pl3 (sij) tiârˈrlâʹtte tiârˈrlõʹtte
Sg4 tiârˈrlââʹttet tiârˈrlõʹtteš
prs. kielt.
(täʹbbe jiõm) tiârˈrlââʹtt
prt. kielt.
(jåhtta jiõm) tiârˈrlâttam
Full paradigm →

tiârrlâʹtted (verb)

  • ajaa, lähteä laukottamaan
    Teä võʹllʼji vuõssmõs čaʹppes heäppaž ool de tiârrlõõʹtti tok.
    Sitten hyppäsi ensimmäisen mustan hevosen selkään ja karautti sinne.
prs. (täʹbbe) prt. (jåhtta)
Sg1 (mon) tiârˈrlââttam tiârˈrlõʹttem
Sg2 (ton) tiârˈrlââttak tiârˈrlõʹttiǩ
Sg3 (son) tiârˈrlâtt tiârˈrlõõʹtti
Pl1 (mij) tiârˈrlâʹttep tiârˈrlõõʹttim
Pl2 (tij) tiârˈrlâʹttveʹted tiârˈrlõõʹttid
Pl3 (sij) tiârˈrlâʹtte tiârˈrlõʹtte
Sg4 tiârˈrlââʹttet tiârˈrlõʹtteš
prs. kielt.
(täʹbbe jiõm) tiârˈrlââʹtt
prt. kielt.
(jåhtta jiõm) tiârˈrlâttam
Full paradigm →
tiârrlâʹtted Word history → Texts →
  • tiârrlâʹtted verb Inf
  • tiârrlâʹtted verb Imprt Pl2

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tiârrled Word history → Texts →
  • tiârrled verb Der Der/Caus verb TV Inf
  • tiârrled verb Der Der/Caus verb TV Imprt Pl2
tiârrlâʹtted Word history → Texts →
  • tiârrlâʹtted verb Inf
  • tiârrlâʹtted verb Imprt Pl2